One might think of Farm-to-Table simply as a concept made to keep the produce and livestock fresh before consuming. It turns out, the Farm to Table movement started as early as the start of the 1900s in an attempt to restore food safety, sustainability, and health in a time of fast-food consumerism.

We have seen how mass production of livestock products can contribute to food waste – as truckloads of it are being moved, it faces the risk of rotting along the way and will only wound up being thrown away before it can hit the market.

Lastly, the long and tiring process of livestock product distribution has put fresh ones at a marked-up price. It’s partly how people have massively shifted from mindful eating to relying on far more affordable fast-foods, without caring how it can affect their health in the long run.

It’s precisely why Farm-to-Table is considered as an all-in-one solution to this on-going problem. Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Resort works alongside Bodhi’s Farm to provide the best healthy food throughout your retreat. Curious as to how? Find out more below.

Quality Over Quantity

To truly be healthy isn’t just about building muscles on the outside – a lot of people mistake being healthy as appearing slimmer. Being healthy also comes from cleansing oneself from the inside.

Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Resort believes that holistic health can be achieved through mindful eating. You can start this journey by staying with us, where you’ll be served with a healthy and fulfilling diet from Bodhi’s Farm every day during your stay.

As the provider of our meals, Bodhi’s Farm ensures a great environment for animals and plants alike. The farm is home to 4,000 chickens, all free to roam around the clean and wholesome environment without the constraint of conventional poultry farm walls.
Not only that, the chickens are guaranteed a great diet as well through local-grown probiotic herbs such as corn, kale, lettuce, mustard greens, mint, and beans to promote natural growth in the chickens. In result, you’ll get a ton of nutrients with each flavourful bite.

Undoing Bad Habits: The Beginning of Mindful Consumption

In an era of fast-food, it might seem impossible to be mindful of what we eat, but the path to wellness isn’t impossible! Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Resort is the embodiment of personal health and environmental dedication.

Unlike what people believe it to be, mindful eating doesn’t always mean eating bland food over and over again. But rather about being conscious of where you get your food from and the health benefits you can reap from it.

Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Resort can help you ease into the lifestyle. The belief ‘what you eat matters’ is reflected through the way each meal is provided, carefully assembled from only the best poultry products made of stress-free chickens from Bodhi’s Farm.

We can assure you that considering how they were raised, every meal that arrives on your table will have nearly halved the fat and cholesterol levels of conventional chicken! Very beneficial to maintain your heart health in the long run.

Now, that’s only one of the examples of how mindful consumption can affect your health, now imagine how it can truly transform you if you continue to undo your bad habits and

Start your Healthier Journey with Bali Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat

As it turns out, living a sustainable and mindful lifestyle can bring a lot of benefits into your life and its surroundings. Not only do you reap the health benefits, but mother nature is smiling as you contribute to the well-being of its planet.

But a healthy and organic lifestyle isn’t limited to what food you eat, it’s also about bringing yourself closer through various natural activities and spiritual journeys. You can have it all in just one-stop: embark on a self-improvement journey and enjoy tasty healthy food from Bodhi’s Farm throughout your stay at Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat!

Start your very own mental and physical cleansing with us. Join in on yoga sessions overlooking peaceful paddy fields, try our shamanic healing package to get the benefits of traditional Balinese healing, and spoil yourself through luxurious spa treatments to rid yourself of your daily stress.

Book your session today and start your path to holistic wellness at Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat. Contact us to begin your journey or to simply get a FREE consultation to talk about your next retreat with us. Namaste🙏🏼