Food and Drink Menu

Please note that our menu may change based on the fresh produce harvested from our gardens daily.

Drink Menu

Hot Specialties

Ginger Island (honey, ginger, lime) – 45.000 RP

Lemon Grass/ Ginger Tea with Pandan – 45.000 RP

Ginger tea is a remedy for many ailments, especially stomach upsets as it acts as a digestive aid and helps to dispel gas. A warming herb with anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric also supports liver detoxification.

Chai  – 50.000 RP


  • Bali – 45.000 RP
  • Espresso – 60.000 RP
  • Black – 45.000 RP
  • Latte – 60.000 RP
  • Cappuccino/Café Latte – 60.000 RP
  • Kopi Luwak – 90.000 RP


Lemon – 45.000 RP

Lime – 45.000 RP

Virgin Mojito – 45.000 RP

Granita – 45.000 RP


Infused water with cucumber and peppermint – 12.000 RP

Lemon water – 15.000 RP

Blended Drinks

Choose from pineapple, banana, watermelon, mango, papaya – 45.000 RP

Bali Banana (Peanut butter, banana, nut mylk) – 55.000 RP

Mikaku’s Chocolate (Peanut butter, chocolate, vanilla, honey  and choice of nut milk) – 65.000 RP

A great breakfast, desert, or filling snack due to the satiating addition of banana. Nicknamed the “Skin Shake” due to the high content of zinc and monounsaturated fats, it will have you glowing in no time. Cacao powder is the rawest form of chocolate and is very high in antioxidants. It does contain caffeine so it is best consumed in the morning. We like to follow this drink with a lovely big glass of water.                                                           

Fresh Coconut water with lime and honey – 60.000 RP

This nutrient-charged drink contains super amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. Plus beneficial antioxidants up the anti-aging power of this health-packed drink. The electrolytes in the coconut water make it great for hydration as well.

Tonics & Elixirs

Kunir Asem ~ Traditional Balinese Jamu Cleanser  ~Made from tumeric, tamarind, fresh ginger, lime, honey – 50.000 RP

Liver Cleanser ~ Apple, Carrot, Ginger and beetroot – 65.000 RP

Beneficial at any time of day, a green smoothie will increase your leafy green vegetable consumption and give you a burst of long lasting energy without a crash later. A diet high in plants has been shown to decrease the risk of developing degenerative diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

Health Shine ~ Apple, limes, celery, cucumber – 65.000 RP

Om Dino’s Special ~ Pineapple, beet, carrot, strawberry – 70.000 RP

Research has shown that beetroot can help reduce blood pressure and its associated risks such as heart attacks and strokes. This is because the high content of nitrates in beetroot produces nitric oxide in the blood, which widens blood vessels and therefore lowers blood pressure. Liver detoxification pathways also love beetroot.

Tropical Freeze ~ Pineapple, carrot, apple, orange, cucumber,and mint leaves – 70.000 RP       

A good source of manganese, a mineral that is critical to the development of strong bones and connective tissue, pineapple also contains bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that supports good protein digestion. Beat the heat and enjoy a nourishing serving of skin and immune-enhancing vitamin C.

Bedugul Highlands ~ Watermelon and mint with Honey – 60.000 RP

Cabbage Beet juice ~ Apple, purple cabbage, beet – 70.000 RP

Cabbage, the key ingredient, is one of the most cost-effective yet nutrient-dense vegetables. The digestive system and the liver particularly love cabbage. The rich color of the beet reflects its concentration of anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant that helps counteract the ageing process. Interest in anthocyanin pigments continues to intensify because of the latter’s health benefits as dietary antioxidants, their anti-inflammatory effects, and their potentially protective properties against a number of diseases.

Smoothies ~ Dairy-free made with nut mylk

Green smoothie ~  (Spinach, banana, young coconut water) – 65.000 RP

Chocolate shake – 65.000 RP

Along with the hydrating benefits of coconut water, this delicious shake delivers vital amounts of potassium, folate, and magnesium as well as packing a huge antioxidant punch.

Pumpkin seed mylkshake – 70.000 RP

This is the perfect shake for anyone with skin problems. The nutrients in the banana, pumpkin seeds, and avocado are highly beneficial for troubled complexions. Have a shake as a snack and give yourself a healthy dose of zinc in the process.

Chocolate pumpkin seed shake – 70.000 RP

Almond date shake – 70.000 RP

Essentially a Vitamin E shake, this antioxidant-rich drink is a great way to start the day or consume it as a snack before or after exercise. It is also rich in potassium thanks to the bananas and dates, which contain iron and a host of other minerals.

Banana berry and coconut smoothie – 70.000 RP

This smoothie is more than just a delicious thirst quencher. The isotonic nature of the coconut water means it has beneficial hydrating values. Try healthful smoothie anytime of the day or after a lengthy workout. It speeds recovery due to its electrolyte and antioxidant content.

Food Menu

Healthy Starts

Fruit salad (papaya, pineapple, mango, watermelon, and other seasonal fruits)

Small   50.000 RP   –     Large  60.000 RP   –     *add Homemade Raw Yogurt or sprouted almond add 20.000 RP*

Banana Pancakes (with organic coconut syrup and a side of   fruit salad) – 85.000 RP

Marvelous Eggs and veggies – 95.000 RP

Eggs and avocado make a powerful pair that provide essential vitamins and minerals, good fats and protein that will keep you feeling fuelled all morning. 

Mi Goreng (Traditional Indonesian rice noodle with local veggies and egg)   *Vegetarian option available* – 75.000 RP

Toast and egg with fruit (coconut, almond or cashew butter) – 75.000 RP

Breakfast Burrito (tempeh, potato, veggies and egg) – 95.000 RP

Spinach omelet with cheddar or feta cheese (with potatoes) – 90.000 RP

Egg Crepe (spinach, guacamole salsa, sunflower seeds, veggies) – 90.000 RP

This crepe is perfect for a light brunch or breakfast. It’s filled with greens and contains protein, folate and vitamin E. Enjoy the alkalizing effect of the spinach and peas while savoring the rich and filling flavors of this simple dish.

Poached Egg and Greens with Toast  –  95.000 RP

Plant-based diets have been shown to be especially effective in the prevention of numerous chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. Start your day in the same manner as many healthy populations: with lots of vegetables. The seed mix boosts the nutritional profile even further by adding zinc, magnesium and dietary fiber.

Homemade Raw Coconut Yogurt and Fresh Fruit – 85.000 RP

This yogurt is perfect for those looking for a dairy free alternative to regular yogurt but still want good flavor, texture and beneficial vitamins and minerals. The fats of the coconut and cashews slow the release of gastric emptying of the stomach, allowing you to feel fuller longer and evening out blood glucose levels.

Herbed Scrambled Eggs (spinach, homemade bread, pumpkin seeds) – 90.000 RP

This dish is the perfect breakfast and a superior alternative to a processed breakfast cereal. Fresh parsley is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K and is highly alkaline.

Breakfast Hash with Mushroom (eggs, tomato, veggies)  –  85.000 RP

Pumpkin Pancakes and Homemade Fresh Coconut Yogurt  –  90.000 RP

Using quinoa flour is a better health alternative to regular all-purpose flour, as the quinoa includes amino acids crucial to the synthesis of proteins and liver detoxification. The pumpkin provides moisture and beta-carotene. Adding ground cinnamon and ginger adds a warming component good for digestion and blood glucose regulation.

Small Bites

Samosa with mint and tamarind sauces  – 70.000 RP

Eggplant Dip with naan – 70.000 RP

Veggie Spring Roll  – 60.000 RP

Crispy Veggie pizza  – 85.000 RP

Dal (Indian lentil soup)with nan bread  – 65.000 RP

The humble mung bean is rich in fiber and high in nutritional value. They have a low glycemic impact, helping avoid a blood glucose and insulin roller coaster. Dal is gentle on the digestive system and the warming spices also aid digestive processes

Tortilla de Patata (with mild or spicy sauce) –  85.000 RP

Green split pea & potato soup  – 60.000 RP

Soothing for the digestive system, this soup is ideal for people who battle fatigue. The soup is packed with minerals and is nutrient dense on its own.

Pumpkin and Kumara Fritter  –  65.000 RP

These fritters could be called “vision fritters” as they contain two good sources of beta-carotene, which the body converts into Vitamin A, vital for eye health.

Salads and Raw Food

Green Leaf Salad wrap with Chicken and Hummus  – 95.000 RP

Who needs bread when you can have your sandwich wrapped in nutrient dense lettuce leaves! One of the real powerhouses of nutrition is the live sprouts, an excellent source of minerals, amino acids and phytochemicals.

FLER Garden (fresh garden veggies with sprouts & seeds) – 85.000 RP

One of the real powerhouses of nutrition is live sprouts, an excellent source of minerals, amino acids and phytochemicals.

Cucumber, coconut salad (with almond or cashew sprinkle) – 65.000 RP

Beet root and Almond Salad  – 80.000 RP

Enhance detoxification and digestion simultaneously with this sparkling salad packed with nutrient dense ingredients. Beetroots benefit the liver, aiding in detoxification. The herbs and greens do their part as well and the splash of apple cider vinegar also aids the digestion support properties of this super healthy combination. This dish is an ideal addition to any meal, or perfect as a pick me up snack.

Karedok Salad (Traditional Indonesian salad with bean sprouts, cabbage, small eggplant, basil and peanut sauce) – 70.000 RP  

Balinese Urap (vegetable with coconut flakes and kaffir lime) – 70.000 RP

Apple~Mango Salad with sweet & sour dressing  – 85.000 RP

Apples are a great source of dietary fiber and this salad is a fresh way to try something new. The apple cider vinegar aids with digestion and the walnuts are an excellent source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. You can also serve this salad as a light lunch with plenty of dark leafy greens and/or additional protein for a highly nutritious meal.

Roasted Vegetable Salad  –  85.000 RP

This delicious warm rainbow salad is packed full of phytochemicals, which can serve as antioxidants when required. For example, beta-carotene goes on to form vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant and a nutrient critical for healthy vision. Additionally, phytochemicals may enhance the immune response and cell-to-cell communication, allowing the body’s natural defense to work more efficiently.

*Additional 15.000 RP for grilled chicken & 20.000 RP for grilled fish*


Thai pumpkin soup – 85.000 RP

This fragrant and lightly spicy soup is perfect for those with poor circulation. Coconuts contain a beneficial saturated fat, which is crucial to the anti-tumor response of the immune system. This soup is also rich in beta-carotene, vital for vision and healthy skin.

Thai Coconut soup – 75.000 RP

This is a delightful, refreshing cold soup ideal for summer, or if you feel the need to give your digestive system a break. The combination of the young coconut and the cashew nuts give the soup its creamy texture. The healing property of ginger comes from the volatile oils, such as gingerols, that are responsible for its strong taste. The rhizomes from younger ginger plants are generally used for cooking because the older the plant is, the more essential oils are present and the stronger the flavor.

Corn, Pumpkin & Kumara Fritter with Avocado Salsa – 80.000 RP

Extra green frittata (quinoa, roasted veggies, basil, sunflower seeds) – 90.000 RP

This frittata is good at any time of the day… as a breakfast, lunch or snack, served hot or cold. It will increase your vegetable consumption and provide protein from the eggs, as well as numerous vitamins and minerals from all the vegetables.

Quinoa and vegetables stir fry – 90.000 RP

Quinoa was once called the gold of the Incas and it’s easy to see why. It contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein and a good choice for vegans. It has a significant amount of the amino acid lysine, which is used for tissue growth and repair. Quinoa is a nutrient dense seed that is usually used as a grain would be used in recipes. It is high in protein and minerals and combines well with the highly alkalizing vegetables and warming spices.

Quinoa or brown rice Sushi – 86.000 RP

Nori is a beneficial addition to the diet due to its high fiber and mineral content. Nori is a good source of iodine, which is essential for thyroid, breast, ovary and vascular health. Quinoa is a good source of protein, fiber and minerals and is a nourishing alternative to white rice.

Green open sandwich (veggies, homemade bread, eggs, sprouts, tahini) – 70.000 RP

A dense nutritional value, a powerhouse of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals and highly alkaline, this nourishing sandwich is perfect for a lunch that will sustain your for hours.

Gado-gado (Mixed vegetables with peanut sauce) – 75.000 RP

Chicken salad with peanut sauce (rice noodle, cashews, almonds, ginger) – 90.000 RP

Organic chicken is a good source of the essential amino acid methionine, important for vital neurotransmitter function and a healthy nervous system.


Grilled Fish served with kumara fritter, & sambal matah – 130.000 RP

This Balinese-style fish dish is a spicy little number. But we are happy to reduce the amount of chilli as preferred. With the wide variety of plant-based ingredients this dish is a great way to amp up the plant content of your diet.

Chicken Chermoula (coriander, parsley, ginger) served with rice – 120.000 RP

Chicken is a rich source of phosphorus, an essential mineral that supports your teeth and bones, as well as kidney, liver, and central nervous system function. It also contains methionine, an amino acid known to help regulate mood.

Maroccon Fish Tangine (Onion, sweet potato, carrot, bell pepper) – 130.000 RP

This tagine is bursting with flavor. The aromatic flavorings of herbs can transform any dish. Many of the roots, seeds, leaves and flowers pack surprising additional health benefits of their own. The power of plants! Coriander is a good source of vitamin K, which improves bone strength and helps the blood clot.

Chicken Satay in yellow sauce with veggies and red rice – 100.000 RP

Nasi Tomat Ayam (special rice marinated in spices & tomato. Served with chicken for two people)* order a day ahead*  280

Thai Curry   ~With Chicken  – 95.000 RP      ~Vegetarian – 85.000 RP

This curry will leave you feeling nourished from the inside out.

Grilled Chicken in special sauce (Chili honey or Taliwang style with coconut milk) – 100.000 RP

Crispy Organic Chicken Pizza (mozzarella, green chili, basil) – 95.000 RP

Crispy Pizza Pesto (mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, roasted garlic) – 90.000 RP

This is a fabulous comfort meal is not only tasty but also dense with nutrients. Spelt flour is naturally low in gluten and higher in protein than regular white and wheat flours. The pesto coupled with the vegetable topping makes this a great way to tastily increase the plant content of your diet.

Tofu & Tempeh Bumbu Merah (Tofu, tempeh and veggies in chili sauce) – 70.000 RP

Vegetable burger with coriander cream – 95.000 RP

The combination of lentils and chickpeas give these high-protein”bun-free” burgers an extremely satiating texture, much better than your typical veggie burger. Also a tasty alternative to meat burgers, this is a fantastic way to incorporate more legumes into your diet. They are packed with dietary fiber and a beneficial range of minerals.

Vegetable Spaghetti (pumpkin, kumara, carrots with cashew) – 90.000 RP

A raw alternative to pasta. You wont believe how good it can taste without the noodles, and how much better for you it is.

Falafel Wrap with Baba Ganoush – 100.000 RP

While many falafels tend to be quite dense and occasionally dry, these light and fluffy ones are moist and crunchy. They are a wonderful source of protein and the chickpeas are also a good source of dietary fiber. Chickpeas contain the trace mineral manganese, which helps your body utilize key nutrients such as biotin and ascorbic acid, promoting healthy skin, bones, thyroid function, and blood glucose levels.


Indonesian Black rice pudding served with banana & coconut milk – 47.000 RP

Raw mango or coconut ice cream – 50.000 RP

Sticky rice and mango (seasonal) – 50.000 RP

Chocolate ice cream with almonds – 50.000 RP

Cashew nut hot chocolate – 60.000 RP

It’s hard to believe there is no cream in this silky smooth hot chocolate alternative. Packed with antioxidants and minerals such as calcium and magnesium, a small serve of this liquid delight is perfect even in hot weather.

Chocolate seed balls (medjool dates, Bali cacao, coconut, sesame seeds) – 60.000 RP

This is the perfect afternoon snack or after dinner dessert. The healthy fats and protein content mean these truffles are very satiating. Flaxseeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for a healthy heart and skin. Just be aware that cacao contains caffeine so if sleep is a challenge, enjoy them earlier in the day.

Decadent chocolate truffles – 65.000 RP

A must for a perfect complexion, magnesium and zinc are found in high proportions in pumpkin seeds. These truffles, rich in both of these minerals as well as antioxidants and fiber, make a wonderful and decadent snack.

Vanilla Coconut Ball of Bliss – 60.000 RP

This chewy, nutty treat is an excellent source of the monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids that have the anti-inflammatory properties so necessary for a healthy heart and optimal brain function. Keep these easy to make snacks on hand for the perfect after school snack for a burst of energy or as a source of vitamin E and zinc, beneficial for skin and the immune system.

Cashew and Chia seeds pudding – 65.000 RP

Nutritionally speaking, chia seeds are a great vegetarian source of omega–3 alpha-linolenic acid — beneficial for the brain and heart. Chia seeds are also a good source of potassium, another heart-supporting nutrient. As they contain all of the essential amino acids, they are a complete source of protein. Combined with banana and cinnamon, this pudding is a wonderfully nourishing way to start the day, or end a meal.

*All prices in are subject to a mandatory 21% government tax and service charge.