A Tale of Two Balians ~ A personal account of a Balinese Healing Journey

Balians, or Balinese traditional healers, come in all shapes and sizes. Some are adept and amazingly effective, and others charlatans looking to empty your wallet. Sadly, you can pay with more than your rupiah. The wrong choice can cost you your health as well. The reward for finding the right healer for you can be life enhancing. There are a few important things to know so you can feel safe and receive the treatment you seek.

The following is an account from a woman who spent an afternoon with us visiting a Balinese healer. After the visit, we returned to our home and we translated the thoughts and actions of the healer for her. More than simply translating Balinese and Bahasa Indonesia, we helped explain the terms, concepts and cultural constructs in a way a non-Balinese can understand, and more importantly act upon. The three of us parted ways that evening all profoundly changed from the day’s events. We thank Hannah for her kindness, trust and honesty throughout the process.

Here are her words…

“But I wanted to quickly let you both know, that I went and bought today’s paper. So I will always remember the day I saw the light again”

And so ended a remarkable, life changing 12 hours.  But let me explain how I got there, as the road was rocky and not without pot holes.

I had arrived in Bali about a week earlier, an almost nervous wreck; a shell of whom I used to be, stressed from an unrealistic workload, another failed relationship, coordinating refurbishments on 2 units and sleepless weeks.  I had recently turned 41, and to this day I still cannot remember the actual day. So focused on the work outcomes I was to produce all social activities were either declined or not remembered.

balinese healer leading a ceremony

Convinced there was a black cloud, dark spell or general bad chi around me, when I arrived in Bali, I announced to my driver, whom I had known for many years that I needed to see a Balinese healer. He arranged for me to see his friend, a Balian, right away. At last I thought, could I almost exhale?  The very next day, I sat in a modest house in Sanur, giving over my trust and hope – and my palm. The inaccuracies started straight away – he told me I was not to worry, I would be married before I turned 34, I had 5 or was it 6, brothers and sisters, I should be careful where I live as I am going to have a problem with crocodiles, and I have had 2 relationships. Now, you know my age. I am also an only child who lives in Canberra and lets skip the number of relationships I have had… the ridiculousness increased, giggles were stifled as the Balian channeled my dead uncle who passed when I was 4 (I had just seen my only uncle the weekend before, very much alive) – John Webber who told me various “facts”, only one that rang true – I should forget about my American boyfriend that I had just ended a relationship with. Ironically; my driver had asked me about him the day before, and expressed surprise to know his country of origin and that we had broken up…..

The day turned into night with many 100,000s rupiah changing hands, me being “cleansed“ in the ocean fully clothed and drinking ocean water, a rash ensued on my face, a sinus infection the next day that rendered me bedridden; if this is being cleansed, I thought, I am good a staying dirty!

balinese offering

One morning, about a week later, lying in bed early I grabbed my phone and put 2 words into Google that would change me forever, “Healer, Bali”. Looking down the list, I found a few lines that appealed to me – it was an account of a man called Cam; and his journey towards healing.  He had been assisted by a man named Mikaku and his wife Putu; and after a quick Google stalk, I decided they looked kind, were probably not serial killers of those looking for enlightenment, and sent them a quick email. The response was instantaneous, and we arranged to meet that afternoon. It happened that they had just visited a Balian, told him about me, and he wanted to help. Could I be optimistic at this stage?

Leaving in the taxi for our rendezvous, I was literally weak at the knees. Telling myself I am a good judge of character, I felt the fear and did it anyway. Even with my very good grasp of Indonesian, my taxi driver had managed to get “lost” and I was in a right state at being almost an hour late. Mikaku jumped out of the car and immediately gave me a hug. I was so disarmed at this act of kindness that all my doubts dissipated. This was the right path, I just knew it.

Putu, Mikaku’s exquisite Balinese wife, was just as lovely; and we got to know each other on our journey to see this Balian. Entering the family compound I was calm; the Balian hardly looking at me but conversing quietly with Putu. “He is reading you”, said Putu. “It’s all in her head”, he said, “She is powerful and can heal herself.” The light was dim at this stage, but I could feel it glowing brighter. Of course it is, I thought, how silly of me.

healing process with a balinese healer

An Indonesian song played on repeat in the background, the cool afternoon wind whipped through the compound and of course, the roosters crowed not knowing, as Balinese roosters never do, the time of day. I do not know what he did to me, my eyes were closed and at times I thought I was going to howl with emotion, instead silent tears welled and fell as my third eye was opened, And still the same Indonesian tune played.

I could feel my soul soaring, my inner sprite kicking her heels as finally she was going to live again.

We meditated, we concentrated on our energy, we practiced our “poses” – I got the advice I needed; Of course, I could not take it all in, so Mikaku kindly took notes, Putu translating for me the whole time as I cannot speak Balinese.  No money changed hands, because there is no price to pay for passing on knowledge.

Walking through the rice paddies back to the car, it was as though I was walking 10cm above the path. All 3 of us went over the last hour or so. Mikaku joining the dots for me and explaining, someone I had long felt in my body – Kundalini. At times of increase stress, I would often rub my lower back, as the pain is often excruciating and for about 15 years I have lived on Voltarin and Pandaol; and at times even hospitalized. Always thinking this was the physical symptom, I never sought assistance from a higher plane.

Kundalini is described in certain Yoga Upanishads as lying “coiled” at the base of the spine. It is also envisioned as either a goddess or sleeping serpent. It is powerful and care should be taken to remain positive and forthright when exercising Kundalini. The idea is to use the energy to cleanse each chakra as it passes through your body. I learnt about Mudramantra and breathing techniques, books that will help and lots, lots more.

Arriving back in Seminyak, instead of just making my way down the street, with my head bent barking no at people as they offered me every kind of service or goods I could (not) want; I looked into people’s eyes and in my most polite Indonesian told them no but thank you.  And that is why I bought the paper of the day, September 20, 2013. So I would never ever forget, the day I found the light again.

Over a month back in the “real” world, I can see the changes. If someone upsets me, they are told how they made me feel, my back is without pain, I have changed jobs and I do not work 7 days a week.

I feel blessed to have met Mikaku and Putu; their guidance cannot be measured,

even as I write this, there is a welfare check-up email from them both that I will answer shortly. I think of them often, I thank my guardian angels that lead them to me, or me to them I do not know which.

My advice, put your healing in their hands, it will be a journey, prepare to be challenged and prepare to be enlightened.

Mikaku and Putu helped me with everything, and when I left Bali, I didn’t feel a failure as I did when I left the Land of Oz – I felt guided but mostly, I felt understood.

With love,

Hannah xoxo

Could you benefit from a session with a traditional Balinese healer?

balian or balinese healer

We have worked with dozens of Balians and healers in Bali over the last couple decades and have found a handful of what we feel are the most exceptional and gifted for a variety of treatments. It may possible to arrange sessions with particular healers that excel in a modality that may benefit you. We must be discrete and discerning about the healers personal information and location as their primary duty is to their community. Arranging a session with a true Balian is not an easy task. It is a highly nuanced process and often times is not possible. There are many types of Balians for many different types of ailments; physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. These ‘appointments’ are quite dissimilar to that of manicures and massages and such, and the timing is occasionally difficult to account for. Also once the Balian makes a commitment to a participant, and deprives one of his or her community members that time, it is important that we honor that commitment. To learn more, please click here.

Come stay with us at Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat

Come experience Bali’s rich heritage, profound culture, lush tropical landscapes and sacred healing practices. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create, not just a vacation, but a truly transformational life experience.  Bring a group and stay for free!

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And so much more.

Contact us today to reserve your place in paradise. Use the code: ‘Heal Me’ when booking your stay and receive a free spa treatment.

To learn more about Bali Healers please also see: