meditating with view
Photo by Jared Rice via

The island of Bali has been brimming with visitors for as long as we remember, each with their own means – looking for entertainment or a way to escape their dull routine. Either way, the people who wound up in Bali usually need healing of some kind.

Most got caught up in the flashy tourist destinations. While the beach clubs, souvenir shops, and tasty dishes can be fun to explore, the true meaning of healing lies beyond Bali’s touristy face.

If you look a little closer, you’ll discover that the locals have mastered the arts of healing for centuries now. Balinese Healing is rooted from their belief in balance, wisdom that has been dutifully passed down for generations to keep your mind and body in tune with one another.

Learn the true meaning of healing right from the source! Find out what makes Balinese healing special and all you need to know about Balinese healing method.

Panca Mahabhutra: The Five Pillars of Healing

afternoon statue silhouette in bali

Photo by Darya Jum via Unsplash

Balinese holistic approach to healing is well-connected to nature. Panca Mahabhuta is a term that originates from the ancient Vedas, meaning ‘the five elements’. It refers to earth, water, fire, air, and ether – the forces of nature that reside outside and inside of ourselves.

The locals believe that the journey to healing doesn’t happen overnight. It takes you on a journey to reconnect with yourself through the five elements in order to keep the balance between the two worlds: sekala as the physical world and niskala as the spiritual world.

Only through cleansing our physical bodies can we cleanse our minds too. Though you don’t need to be afraid, Balinese healing journey won’t literally take you through the true forms of the five elements. But rather focusing more on confronting all the things they represent:

  • Ether is associated with space and connectedness. It’s about the spaces left in our body and how conscious we are of our mind.
  • Air represents motion. Our body is constantly working, from breathing to digesting, while our mind is always filled with thoughts.
  • Fire is correlated to heat, light, and transformation. It relates to the way our body digests food and the power of one’s intelligence or perception.
  • Water represents flow. Whether it’s about the liquid that literally flows throughout our body or the flowing emotions we feel every day.
  • Earth relates to solidity, representing the stability of our body and mind.

Be Prepared, What You Need to Know of Balinese Healing Method

As we know by now, Balinese healing methodology incorporates the five pillars of healing into the process. But what exactly does it entail?

Balinese healers or Balians are traditional shamans who studied ancient scriptures to learn about ethics, anatomy, herbs, meditation, and yoga practices to ensure a safe process for anyone looking to cleanse themselves. Their tried-and-true methods combine ancient knowledge and the five elements in each of its steps, creating a fool-proof healing process for all the participants.

In connection to ether, a Balinese healing usually takes place in serene hills surrounded with lush green landscape. While it seems simple, this is the first step to open one’s mind to the space that surrounds us. Away from the sound pollution of the city, the quiet gives you a chance to truly listen to be more conscious of nature and the thoughts in your mind.

Related to air, Balinese healing not only will help you purify yourself but also acts as a pitstop for anyone looking to rest. As for water, we must learn to maintain our emotion and not let it overtake our mind. It’s why meditation and breathwork are such an important step in Balinese healing practice, it pushes you to be present in the moment – a chance to let go of negative emotions and achieve inner peace.

In relation to fire, Balinese healing promotes mindful eating as a way to heal yourself from within. Our fast-paced daily life pushes us to eat anything that is easy to consume, affecting our health in silence. The process will take you to be more conscious of what you put through your digestive system, starting from knowing where your food comes from and the benefits you’ll get.

Lastly, to achieve the solidity of the earth, you’ll be taken on yoga sessions to achieve balance between your mind and body. This cognitive-behavioral therapy not only helps you connect with yourself, but also builds resilience  and flexibility.

Join Us on Our Journey Towards Healing

The journey to healing is far from being simple. It takes commitment to fully immerse yourself in a self-improvement journey that will eventually build your character to finally emerge as a better person.

Partake in your very own Balinese healing at Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat! Our upcoming 9-Day Retreat is open for anyone who is looking to rediscover yourself surrounded by the sacred and magical energy of Bali.

You’ll be greeted with the sounds of nature and shimmering rice paddy fields every day while enjoying a tasty and organic breakfast to start your mindful eating journey. Not only that, the retreat also takes you through group sessions that promotes rejuvenation and unforgettable authentic cultural adventures.

Book your session today and start your path to holistic wellness at Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat. Find out more about us here to begin your journey or to simply get a FREE consultation to talk about your next retreat with us.