Posted September 2013 – Updated September 2024

A heartfelt testimonial from a recent participant (and new friend)

Last week, Putu and I had the pleasure of experiencing a very special day that reminded us of why we are on this path and what we hope to accomplish with Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat. Our mission is to give back and also to help people find joy, health, vitality and love within themselves.

A large part of what we do revolves around giving back to the Balinese communities in which we live and work, but also providing a safe place where people from all over the world can come find the source within themselves that has been dormant for too long. This may come in the form of yoga, meditation, healthy eating, art, delving into the Balinese culture and much more. This day was deeply rooted in the traditional healing arts of Bali.

We were contacted by an Australian man, Cameron Trethowan, who found us on the Internet and thought we may be able to be of some help. What transpired was a loving and moving experience that touched Putu and I and reaffirmed why we are toiling and putting everything we have into the creation of Floating Leaf. Cam relates the day much better than I could so I will paste for you his recapitulation.

Cameron writes…

I would like to describe an experience I recently had through the Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat. For some time I have been interested in visiting some Balinese Balian or Shaman (traditional healers) and had researched online for some time and even visited one through an acquaintance that was adequate but not inspiring.

Perhaps some background information is necessary here, I have suffered with a form of degenerative arthritis known as Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is a chronic inflammatory disease of the axial skeleton. I first started to exhibit symptoms from the age of 15-16 (now in my 40’s).

As a result I attempt to spend time in Bali every year to avoid the worst of the Melbourne (Australia) winter, as the cold exasperates the condition. Through the years, I have tried every conceivable alternative therapy or cure which had little effect and additionally I have been a vegetarian for 18 years and also meditate regularly, all of which helps manage the condition. I have been tired of taking pharmaceutical drugs, which do alleviate the pain but also offer side effects and toxicity.

In searching for more information on Balian healers I came across Mikaku and Putu’s website, it seemed exactly what I had been searching for, a knowledgeable couple that could take me to several Balians and also translate and explain the significance of the Balian within the Hindu Balinese cultural context. To confide, I have developed a thirst to experience and understand the esoteric and mystical traditions of healers and holy men. And this seemed the perfect method of engaging with this type of experience.

We corresponded through email and arranged a pick up time in the early morning I was staying in Canggu on the West coast. When I first met Putu and Mikaku I was instantly put at ease and felt a genuine camaraderie and interest in what we all were about to experience.Both of them shared information abundantly and expressed their passion for the Balian and their mystical ways, and furthermore, their importance within traditional Balinese culture.

They had previously arranged for me to meet three Balians in one day, they were all quite different, for example the first was a bone specialist. I would describe him as a mystic chiropractor. As I waited to be treated I watched him cure a Balinese man who could not walk due to feet problems, the man was truly ecstatic.

I won’t go in to too much detail as this letter will become too long, but my experiences with each Balian was quite precious and left me with much to contemplate, it was an intensely spiritual day, one that I will remember for a long time.

The second Balian is related to the King of Ubud and had an air of a great yogi master about him. His eyes were both penetrating and also beautiful deep dark jewels. He performed many Yogic mudras and whispered to himself, occasionally poking me with what seemed like (to my novice eyes) a chopstick, seemingly able to find every sore pressure point whilst declaring, “You are ok, it’s your mind! ….. you understand?”  To be honest, I actually did understand what he was saying, but it didn’t relate so much to the words than to a feeling that arose. He reminds me of a beautiful Balinese Yoda-like sage.

The last Balian we visited works tirelessly from morning to late evenings and reminds me of Yogananda Paramahamsa, who wrote Autobiography of a Yogi. Again the experience was profound on many levels and also wonderfully intense, he begun by reading my name using mudras, meditation and trance. He told me things that were extremely accurate, to the point of spookiness, and suggested that I participate in a ritual purification which he performed. It was powerful. I felt connected to the ancient spirit underlining Bali and feel quite blessed to have been able to experience all that transpired on that day.

Of course I am leaving out much of what happened as it was very intimate and I believe that these healers are great people dedicated to a life of service and as such don’t deserve to be overly analyzed and explained. It is now several weeks after my Balian visits with Mikaku and his lovely wife Putu, and I feel like an enormous weight has been lifted from inside myself, massive tectonic shifts appear to have occurred that I’m sure will manifest in more concrete ways in the days that follow.

I would like to sincerely thank Mikaku and Putu for an extraordinary day, thank you for your support and kindness. You guys are amazing. I highly recommend their services to anyone with an earnest desire to experience the power and humbleness of the Balian. I will definitely return.

Cameron Trethowan ~ Melbourne, Australia

Could you benefit from a session with a traditional Balinese healer?

We have worked with dozens of Balians and healers in Bali over the last couple decades and have found a handful of what we feel are the most exceptional and gifted for a variety of treatments. We can schedule you with particular healers that excel in a modality that may benefit you. We must be discrete and discerning about the healers personal information and location as their primary duty is to their community.Arranging a session with a true Balian is not an easy task. It is a highly nuanced process and often times is not possible. There are many types of Balians for many different types of ailments; physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. These ‘appointments’ are quite dissimilar to that of manicures and massages and such, and the timing is occasionally difficult to account for. Also once the Balian makes a commitment to a participant, and deprives one of his or her community members that time, it is important that we honor that commitment. To learn more, please click here.

A word of warning

Many people come to Bali looking for a spiritual awakening, a healing of sorts, as it is a powerful island and does indeed provide a plethora of opportunities of this nature. We advise that you embark on this journey with a guide you trust and have some relationship with. We have heard the following sad story too many times and we want to offer a warning. People tell us something along the lines of, I met a man who said he could take me to a healer, I trusted him and such and such happened. The ‘such and such’ can have many forms but usually it is just that the person was scammed out of some money by someone pretending to offer a sincere beneficial experience. We have heard worse as well, so we want to reiterate that you should fully trust the people who are leading you through this experience.

Holistic Wellness Awaits at Floating Leaf: Your Path to Inner Peace

We understand the journey to wellness can be challenging, but we’re here to make it easier for you. At Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat, we offer you the opportunity to connect with authentic Balinese healers and find the spiritual guidance you’ve been seeking.

Our award-winning resort goes beyond traditional healing. We provide holistic retreats designed to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Imagine several nights of mindful yoga sessions overlooking serene paddy fields, various meditation practices, and healing sessions like sound therapy.

Embark on your healing journey in our lush tropical paradise with our shamanic healing package. Reconnect with your inner self through peaceful yoga sessions and experience the profound benefits of traditional Balinese healing.

In addition to mental and spiritual rejuvenation, Floating Leaf offers exclusive spa treatments to pamper your body. Indulge in our luxurious spa services and let us take care of your every need.

Book your session today and start your path to holistic wellness at Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat. Contact us to begin your journey or to simply get a FREE consultation to talk about your next retreat with us.