The concept of healing has been all the rave as of late. It’s believed as the modern solution to burn-out, a simple getaway vacation as a means of escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and how draining it can be.

While a vacation can surely be refreshing, a physical and mental reset will take a lot more than simply visiting tourist destinations. In fact, such healing practice has been around for hundreds of years through Balinese Traditional Healing!

The ancient wisdom has been passed from generation to generation to keep a healthy balance between the spiritual and physical worlds. Unlike a vacation, the process is not instantaneous – but the effect is far more long-lasting. Utilizing a combination of natural herbs and spices with holistic therapies, Balinese Healing with authentic Balinese Healers (Balians) can truly transform you.

Interested to know more? Here is a little more introduction of Balinese Healing, from the belief behind it, what Balians do, to what you can expect in a session!

Understanding Balinese Healing Philosophy

The Balinese Healing tradition is deeply rooted in the belief that we live in two co-existing worlds: sekala as the conscious, physical world and niskala as the spiritual world.

Balinese Healing doesn’t come literally and may take you through unconventional methods. It takes you into a spiritual place to do some self-reflecting, letting the chakra cleanses your body. Only by finding harmony between your mind and body can you finally achieve inner peace and let go of any negative emotions you might be experiencing.

Don’t get too nervous now! It might sound like a lot, but don’t worry about where you’ll have to start your healing journey as Balinese healers or Balians are readily available to guide you.

Keeping the Balance Between the Two Worlds, Balians as Real Life Avatar

If you’re an Avatar the Last Airbender franchise fan, you will notice that Balian are essentially real-life Avatars. An Avatar is the embodiment of balance, chosen with the expectation to bring balance not only for the four nations but a balance between the physical and spirit world.

Just like an Avatar, a Balian’s journey may come naturally through divine inspiration also known as wahyu. Parallel to training as an Avatar, a Balian also has to prepare themself for their role by diligently studying ancient scriptures called lontar which details the information on ethics, anatomy, traditional herbs, meditation, yoga, tantra, and many other subjects.

To be truly balanced, studying earthly knowledge won’t be enough. A Balian would also have to break through to the spiritual world, this can be done by appealing to ancestors through offerings or meditations. Just as Aang did, they would be able to open a “portal” and talk to their predecessors to gain spiritual knowledge.

So when you see a Balian entering a trance state, think of it as their very own Avatar State. During this state, a Balian can detect the root of your problems and advise personalized solutions through meditation, massage, or offerings.

What to Expect During Balinese Healing

Now that you know the philosophy behind the practice, then it might be time for you to know what will ensue during a Balinese Healing session.

You may not know the root of your problems, but seeing a Balian means that you’ll be able to identify it and gain the strength you need to start your healing journey. The Balian will take you to meditate in order to open yourself up spiritually, with soft Indonesian tunes playing in the background to help ease your mind.

You might feel an overwhelming rush of emotions during this process, but don’t be afraid to let go – as those feelings might be the reason why you’re in such an exhaustive and heavy state at the moment.

After letting go of all the things you have kept inside, you’ll be taken to concentrate your energy on various yoga poses. While this step may seem simple, the routine will take you to stretch each body part and undo hidden stress habits you might have been doing.

The poses also help you use the energy to cleanse each chakra and ease any anxiety through breathing techniques. That way, you might be more aware of how your body works and give you a sense of control over your own body more than ever.

Watch Out for Cash Grabs, Look For Authentic Balians

Balinese Healing is meant to help anyone who feels overwhelmed, yet can’t really answer the itching question of ‘Why?’. Not only will the traditional healing process take you on a journey of self-identification, it will also improve your overall approach on life afterwards.

But such a result can only be gained through authentic Balians. Unfortunately, the process can be rather tricky, as scammers who are looking for easy money are more commonly found in public.

Holistic Wellness Awaits at Floating Leaf: Your Path to Inner Peace

We understand the journey to wellness can be challenging, but we’re here to make it easier for you. At Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat, we offer you the opportunity to connect with authentic Balinese healers and find the spiritual guidance you’ve been seeking.

Our award-winning resort goes beyond traditional healing. We provide holistic retreats designed to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Imagine several nights of mindful yoga sessions overlooking serene paddy fields, various meditation practices, and healing sessions like sound therapy.

Embark on your healing journey in our lush tropical paradise with our shamanic healing package. Reconnect with your inner self through peaceful yoga sessions and experience the profound benefits of traditional Balinese healing.

In addition to mental and spiritual rejuvenation, Floating Leaf offers exclusive spa treatments to pamper your body. Indulge in our luxurious spa services and let us take care of your every need.

Book your session today and start your path to holistic wellness at Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat. Contact us to begin your journey or to simply get a FREE consultation to talk about your next retreat with us. Namaste🙏🏼